
Updated Storyboard Blog Post

  We changed the tea scene that would've been at the end since there wasn't enough time to do that given the time limit. We also added a classical song at the beginning that wasn't originally there in the beginning. It was added for a more mysterious feel while also showing how the product is something soothing until you've used too much. Throughout most of the film, it's most just dialogue after the first few seconds. We used a lot of static shots, zoom in and out, and fade in and out. The film was mostly those shots or editing. The only thing that remained the same is the film opening up with our main character after the title and the Comparison for the consumer.

Finished Project Post

  Mediastudies Movie Opener: Angerona (

Finished Project Feelings Blog Post

We had difficulties during our assignment with line reading and editing. This was fixed by trimming the clip so that the actresses would only need to memorize specific lines at a time. We also tried our best to align the clips and made a few audio tweaks when editing. We incorporated a title sequence during production that was not part of our initial ideas. We discovered while working on our project that additional equipment is needed for good filming, particularly in dimly lit areas. During our project, we made extensive use of audio, lighting, and mise en scene using what we had already learned in class. I overall enjoyed the filming process and laughed a lot with the mistakes made. I feel like my group did an amazing job, but it was a tiring process to go through.

Editing 2 Blog Post

We edit our film opener for about three days altogether. It was completed both at home and at school. The most of the editing was completed by Jose, although I contributed a little bit to help illustrate my ideas. Although we didn't upload any more footage, we did add some free-use images for specific elements like the static.

Lighting Blog Post

Since our project is a beautification horror movie, we tried our best to use extremely dim lighting. For the marketing images, we had to use a little lamp that was plugged into the wall. This was due to the fact that our plan called for the main light to be shining only on the model, not the entire set, and it was a bit too bright. It was getting darker while we took the pictures in the living room. This was due to the fact that our main character was going to make an investment in the enigmatic product that matches the atmosphere's creepier and unpleasant vibe. To make sure everything was visible in the pictures, one light was still on.

Group Dynamics Blog Post

Each member of our group has been contributing equally, and we are working together extremely effectively. As the director, I assist with many aspects of the production; Jose does camera work and editing; Mykayla assists with script writing; and Sofia handles set design and lighting. I think everyone did their fair share while also inputting ideas we all agreed upon like the opening, which was suggested by Sofia.