Movie Opener Brainstorm and Research


I observed numerous insert shots of objects like purses and shoes taken from various angles, including P.O.V. and close-ups. In order to indicate that time has passed between shots, the main character plays soccer in a montage.


It includes several establishing shots of a wooded pond. In its editing, fade to black transitions are also used. Additionally, it includes flashbacks consisting of out-of-order video segments.


features numerous insert shots that depict the car and the group of people driving it from various perspectives. makes use of a lot of cuts and dynamic editing to give the impression that it is an action film. A low angle view taken from the car's trunk perspective is used towards the end.


There is a lot of conversation between the therapist and the main character in the opening scene. It switches back and forth between non-chronologically ordered scenes. As the main character acts in a more insane manner, the music grows louder and more intense.


Smoke generators flood the set with smoke, while the opening uses dim blue illumination. The scientific character's white coat, mask, and gloves demonstrate how carefully the costume was designed. In order to highlight various aspects of the set and the individuals, the scenes also repeatedly rack focus.



Because my film uses a more calm and suspenseful technique to filmmaking rather than having several fast cuts, I can't take too many cues from all these openers for my own film that I'm working on with my group. The use of color by White Coat is really motivating. It would be possible for me to apply filters to my scenes or record them in a way that allows the color to speak for itself. using blacks and reds representing the ideas and style of the movie.




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