Supporting Character Analysis

Fraus is our supporting character, as well as the main antagonist. Fraus is a very tall woman with a slim build with dark curly hair that she wears out most of the time to show her beauty and to show how the product has worked well for her. She was named after Fraus, the goddess of treachery and fraud. This name plays into her character as she is the main spokesperson and the offical face for the company that produces the beautification product that promises to make you "beautiful," which ultimately turns out to be a lie, making her a fraud. Fraus is a mysterious person who does not say much about herself and would prefer to be alone most of the time. However, Fraus is extremely good with her words, able to spin a convincing lie in a matter of seconds on the spot. Fraus is also heavily associated with black roses, representing her overall mysterious and elegant aura.


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