
Showing posts from March, 2024

Updated Storyboard Blog Post

  We changed the tea scene that would've been at the end since there wasn't enough time to do that given the time limit. We also added a classical song at the beginning that wasn't originally there in the beginning. It was added for a more mysterious feel while also showing how the product is something soothing until you've used too much. Throughout most of the film, it's most just dialogue after the first few seconds. We used a lot of static shots, zoom in and out, and fade in and out. The film was mostly those shots or editing. The only thing that remained the same is the film opening up with our main character after the title and the Comparison for the consumer.

Finished Project Post

  Mediastudies Movie Opener: Angerona (

Finished Project Feelings Blog Post

We had difficulties during our assignment with line reading and editing. This was fixed by trimming the clip so that the actresses would only need to memorize specific lines at a time. We also tried our best to align the clips and made a few audio tweaks when editing. We incorporated a title sequence during production that was not part of our initial ideas. We discovered while working on our project that additional equipment is needed for good filming, particularly in dimly lit areas. During our project, we made extensive use of audio, lighting, and mise en scene using what we had already learned in class. I overall enjoyed the filming process and laughed a lot with the mistakes made. I feel like my group did an amazing job, but it was a tiring process to go through.

Editing 2 Blog Post

We edit our film opener for about three days altogether. It was completed both at home and at school. The most of the editing was completed by Jose, although I contributed a little bit to help illustrate my ideas. Although we didn't upload any more footage, we did add some free-use images for specific elements like the static.

Lighting Blog Post

Since our project is a beautification horror movie, we tried our best to use extremely dim lighting. For the marketing images, we had to use a little lamp that was plugged into the wall. This was due to the fact that our plan called for the main light to be shining only on the model, not the entire set, and it was a bit too bright. It was getting darker while we took the pictures in the living room. This was due to the fact that our main character was going to make an investment in the enigmatic product that matches the atmosphere's creepier and unpleasant vibe. To make sure everything was visible in the pictures, one light was still on.

Group Dynamics Blog Post

Each member of our group has been contributing equally, and we are working together extremely effectively. As the director, I assist with many aspects of the production; Jose does camera work and editing; Mykayla assists with script writing; and Sofia handles set design and lighting. I think everyone did their fair share while also inputting ideas we all agreed upon like the opening, which was suggested by Sofia.

Sound Blog Post

A classical piano piece serves as the opening credits for our film, which Jose chose and I agreed with along with everyone else. This is done in order to increase the viewer's sense of security and comfort before to the terrifying element. The commercial that follows combines gentle, uplifting music to create a traditional, welcoming industrial vibe. As we get to the following scene, where our main character is sitting on the couch contemplating trying the product, this and the adds monologue come into play.

Editing 1 Blog Post

Jose and I worked on the editing for us. In terms of video effects, we overlayed a static image over the TV to simulate the flickering in and out of the screen. Additionally, there were numerous hazy areas on the example model's face and whenever our actress spoke the goods. As we moved from scene to scene, we also made extensive use of fade ins and fade outs. The television commercial and the static audio didn't really match up well, and the bleeps that were there were difficult to include because of the amount of labor required to make them actually go over the word we had to bleep out so it wouldn't sound weird.

Color Use Blog Post

In the first scene of our movie, red was a key color. We made sure to include a lot of red things because the story was about roses, like red cosmetics and a red hoodie for our main character. In our video, the color red is utilized to symbolize both flowers and the peril associated with beauty products. We also designed a black rose dress for our major enemy to symbolize her general enigmatic personality and vibe.

Title Sequence Blog Post

We opted to use a medium bold font for our title sequence and to make it white so that viewers could easily read and see what it says. We chose this typeface because, in our opinion, its general outline and texture complemented the opener's concept.

Challenges in Filming Blog Post

In the process of filming, there were certain difficulties. For a while, there were issues with the lighting, for instance. We were filming in the early afternoon, so the weather was still really beautiful. Although our original lighting strategy was messed up by the sunshine, we were still able to achieve a better on-camera lighting mood with the help of a curtain and a little desk lamp. Our performers mispronouncing lines was another small issue we faced. Everything else about our filming went really well, I think.

Filming Blog Post

  For filming, I think it went really well. We were able to finish filming in about two, maybe 3 hours, and we got all our filming done in just one day. The recording of footage took a bit of time to start because we were busy doing our best to work out the different lighting styles, and how each of the scenes would be decorated. We also had to deal with mistakes and has to work on the voices each character would have. After we finished with that, the actual filming process went really good.

Representation Blog Post

I think that the representation in our film opener is really well put together, and far from stereotypical. In our film opener, we have three people acting in it, all of which are black girls. I had written the script with everyone before we had chosen who was playing the other roles, so we didn't base our characters on any racial stereotypes. The only thing in our film that may be considered a “stereotype” is the leading character thinking that they are ugly.

Supporting Character Analysis

Fraus is our supporting character, as well as the main antagonist. Fraus is a very tall woman with a slim build with dark curly hair that she wears out most of the time to show her beauty and to show how the product has worked well for her. She was named after Fraus, the goddess of treachery and fraud. This name plays into her character as she is the main spokesperson and the offical face for the company that produces the beautification product that promises to make you "beautiful," which ultimately turns out to be a lie, making her a fraud. Fraus is a mysterious person who does not say much about herself and would prefer to be alone most of the time. However, Fraus is extremely good with her words, able to spin a convincing lie in a matter of seconds on the spot. Fraus is also heavily associated with black roses, representing her overall mysterious and elegant aura.

Main Character Blog Post

The main character is named Asaka, a short African American. They're 21 and has dark curly hair that they usually wear out in an afro. They live in a small apartment with her roommate, who is also one of her friends. Asaka does not have that many friends, being a very introverted person who would prefer to keep to themselves most of the time. Their introverted-ness is also partly due to her extremely low self-esteem. They've never thought highly about themselves or their looks, not even wanting to own a mirror due to their own self-hatred. This warped perception of themselves is unfortunately what let them to look for beautification products, stumbling upon a product sold by Fraus, our main antagonist. Using this product will eventually lead them on a path of self-destruction, going to lengths they would have never gone before just to get their hands on more of the product, only to have it ruin their looks in the end.

Costuming Blog Post

  The top dress is for Fraus, who's a major character and is the antagonist of the film, so she wears black to signify how she's evil and misleading, wearing red lipstick to signify how dangerous she is. The jacket is for Asaka, the main character who wears a red jacket to show they're in danger.

Preparing to Film

  Actors For this film opener, I will be the main character, Mykayla is a major character, and we have one of our friends to act as a supporting character. Costumes For costumes, we will be using a black rose covered dress and black sandal pumps for Mykayla's character, a red oversized hoodie for the me, and a white t-shirt and jeans for the side character. Props For props, we will be using a tv remote, a television, makeup products, and a table. Locations For the filming location, we will be using our friend's house. Dates and Times For the date, we will be meeting up at around 2:30 on March 3rd. Scripts We have our script completed and written by our director and screenwriting, also acting as the main character in the film opening. Film Equipment For film equipment, we will be borrowing a video camera from our media studies teacher, and we will also be using a ring light for lighting.

Initial Film Opener Storyboard

  This storyboard starts off with the main character attempting to turn on the TV, unsuccessfully. After a few tries, it turns on to an ad featuring a product promising to make you beautiful. It also gives an example of the before and after of someone who used the product, and it turned them beautiful. 

Film Opener Mood Board

I'm trying to capture a very unsettling feeling as well as a bit suspicious. This was chosen because that's what beautification is meant to be. Unsettling and suspicious as the movie goes on.

Final Project Idea

My final project idea is a body horror beautification movie about a person who becomes obsessive with a beauty product that make them a recluse. They soon shut out the outside world and friends who try to convince them to stop overusing the product, as they've formed a dependence on the product and believe they aren't pretty enough, only wanting to leave their home once they get what they desire. The more they consume the product, the worse they become as the film progresses.  They see advertisements and people who can confirm the product works, as well as friends recommending it despite its high price. The protagonist ends up selling many possessions like a family heirloom, their pets, furniture, and their dead grandmother's expensive family ring after digging up her body to get it.  They use the product and allow for it to take over their life, and eventually taking over their body and mind.

Movie Opener Brainstorm and Research

[OPENER: RISE] I observed numerous insert shots of objects like purses and shoes taken from various angles, including P.O.V. and close-ups. In order to indicate that time has passed between shots, the main character plays soccer in a montage. [OPENER: MY DARLING] It includes several establishing shots of a wooded pond. In its editing, fade to black transitions are also used. Additionally, it includes flashbacks consisting of out-of-order video segments. [OPENER: DARE TO THRILL] features numerous insert shots that depict the car and the group of people driving it from various perspectives. makes use of a lot of cuts and dynamic editing to give the impression that it is an action film. A low angle view taken from the car's trunk perspective is used towards the end. [OPENER: ALWAYS WATCHING] There is a lot of conversation between the therapist and the main character in the opening scene. It switches back and forth between non-chronologically ordered scenes. As the main